on holidays , the station is crowded with tourists . 休日には観光客で賑わう。
from the neighborhood of nanzen-ji temple to jisho-ji (ginkaku-ji ) temple , the road is crowded with tourists when cherry blossoms are beautiful along the both sides of lake biwa canal in spring and when leaves turn red in autumn . 南禅寺付近から慈照寺(銀閣寺)まで、琵琶湖疎水の両岸に植えられたサクラはみごとで、春や紅葉の秋は多くの観光客でにぎわう。
the street , which is barely wide enough for two sightseeing buses to pass each other , is crowded with tourists walking up from higashioji-dori street together with sightseeing busses , taxis , and private cars going to parking lots near the gate during the spring and autumn sightseeing seasons . 観光バスがすれ違うのがやっとの道幅であり、春や秋の観光シーズンには、東大路通から歩く観光客がここを通り、門前近くの駐車場へ向かう観光バス・タクシー・自家用車とあわせ、混雑が激しい。
it has a climate in which it is crowded with tourists for lake bathing in summer , and climbers to hira mountain range and bass fishers in lake biwa or its naiko (endorheic lakes ) in spring and visitors for skiing in winter because biwako valley skiing area is nearby , and in the vicinity of hira-shofuku onsen , there are villas and recreation facilities . 夏には湖水浴の観光客で賑わい、春・秋は比良山への登山客や琵琶湖や内湖でのバス釣り、冬は琵琶湖バレイスキー場も近いためスキー客も訪れるなどの風土があり比良招福温泉の周辺は別荘や保養所などがある。
with a history of 400 years , it is popularly known as ' nishiki ' among the people in kyoto , and as a sightseeing spot , ' kyoto ' s kitchen ' is crowded with tourists and students on school excursions as well as local people , together with the shinkyogoku-dori street shopping district and teramachi-kyogoku shopping district . 400年の歴史を持ち、京都市民からは「にしき」という愛称で呼び親しまれ、「京の台所」として地元の市民はもとより、新京極通商店街や寺町京極商店街とともに、観光客や修学旅行生も訪れる観光名所として活気のある市場として賑わう。